Photo by Beth Dixson

Auburn: What We Do


Auburn specializes in intuitive Tarot and Astrology, with a focus on personal exploration and growth. Through the expansive art of Tarot and Astrology, Auburn will collaborate with you to assess opportunities and challenges from new angles starting in this present moment. Together we will create an organic and resonate space to unlock your inner power, intuition and creativity.

In addition to standard personal astrology for individuals, couples and friends, Auburn is a skillful guide to navigating the complexity of professional teams in the corporate setting. Through Danielle’s tenure practicing astrology and tarot in the professional landscape, she has created unique ways for Auburn to facilitate cohesive team growth and intimacy. Auburn is also a great tool for people who are working in a corporate matrix who would like to strategize career and professional issues in an expansive and soulful way.

Where do we come from?

Auburn evolved from a daily mission to create a soulful space of connection in corporate design culture. We discovered that we needed intimacy, meaning and magic in our team to do our best work, and soon others realized they needed it too!


I grew up in a family of artists, musicians and free-spirits. I was immersed in creativity from the moment I drew my first breath. From a young age, my family encouraged me to explore my interests and this freedom led to a life centered around the pursuit of beauty, communication and learning through the symbolism of the cosmos. My childhood was not only creative, but was filled with mysticism, magic and spiritual exploration. When I was about seven years old, my godmother introduced me  to astrology and tarot. These tools became my life long passion. 

Danielle age 7 years old in San Francisco

Danielle age 7 years old in San Francisco


One day, years into adulthood, I found myself working as a professional designer at Nike, a global footwear and apparel company. I loved my job, specializing in color design, where I spent my time creating narratives about sport and expressing them through the power and impact of color. 

Yet, this wasn’t why I got out of bed everyday. My favorite part of going to the office was exploring the astrological landscape of each person I met. People were my source of inspiration.

As I pursued my career in design, I realized that the secret to a creatively catalyzed team was personal connection and emotional investment between colleagues. 

I thrived through having a daily opportunity to feel connected with people in a personal way, and I truly believed that if I needed this to thrive, others did also. Maybe people were longing for discovery, soulful dialogue, raw moments, freedom to share authenticity, and a break in the day to let down their corporate guard and explore.

Auburn started with tarot readings on my lunch break and three years later I had created a corporate astrology practice, an astrological community on campus, astrology/tarot centered team building workshops, Mercury Retrograde classes, and a full tarot reading schedule. 

Astrological Self Portrait, mixed media 2020

Astrological Self Portrait, mixed media 2020

I had so much engagement from the design community of Nike, so many people became a part of the magic and creativity. The daily mission had blossomed into a lifestyle and new creative culture.

After over a decade spent balancing a design career with an astrological practice. This is how, and when, I realized that it was time to give Tarot and Astrology my full attention.

Auburn emerged.

My middle name is Auburn. The center of my name, a name that describes a warm, rich and grounding color—this is the way I connect with the world through tarot and astrology. With warmth, richness and a feeling of grounded capability. Auburn is the catalyst for productive and collaborative self exploration.